Please contact us for pricing and availability.
Recommendations by Type
Small Trees
Recommendations by Feature
Fall Color
Spring Flowers
Attractive to Birds & Pollinators
Clay Tolerant
Most newer developments have little topsoil, making them tough sites for trees.
Salt Tolerant
When planting in an area affected by deicing salt, it is wise to choose a species
which is salt-tolerant.
Compacted Soil Tolerant
Newly developed sites often have extremely compacted soils, which is a tough
environment for trees to thrive.
Storm Resistant
Tired of cleaning up branches after storms? Consider the species below, as they
are better able to resist storm damage.
Verticillium Wilt Resistant
Verticillium Wilt is a soil-borne fungal disease that affects many trees.
Juglone Tolerant
Juglone is a growth-stunting chemical produced by Walnut trees that can affect nearby plants.