At Stevenson Lawn Care, we deliver healthy, green lawns using environmentally sound practices. We will help you achieve your ideal yard while ensuring it remains a safe place for your family and pets to enjoy.
Soil Analysis
Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy lawn. Therefore our process starts with a soil sample analysis. Knowing the components of your soil enables our team of experts to customize the fertilizer to your lawn’s specific needs. Additionally, we will help you determine any necessary amendments to help your lawn flourish.
Lawn Fertilizer Application
Turf grass requires a minimum of 16 nutrients for normal growth and development. Our knowledgeable lawn care experts will ensure your lawn receives the specific nutrients needed to thrive based on your soil assessment results. As a result, your lawn will be more resistant to stress, pests, and disease.
Over time a consistent lawn fertilizer regimen creates a naturally weed-resistant lawn. Within 3 to 5 years of implementing our program, your lawn will establish a healthy soil base and strong root system. The result will be a thick and vigorous lawn.
Spot Spray Weed Control
At Stevenson Lawn Care, we create lawns that are ideal for families, pets, and the environment. We do not apply blanket herbicide applications. Instead, we offer spot weed control, which keeps herbicide to a minimum.
Benefits of hiring a Stevenson Lawn Care expert to routinely fertilize your lawn
- A strong foundation of healthy soil
- No harmful neonicotinoids
- No blanket herbicide applications
- Spot spray weed control as needed
- No damage to your lawn from over-fertilization
- A sustainable lawn that is disease resistant
- A healthy, green lawn that is safe for your family and pets
Call us today to get started!
Contact us to schedule a consultation with a certified arborist.