Regular tree health evaluations can catch changes in a tree’s health and vigor before a disease, insect, or environmental problem becomes too serious to address. Ideally, mature trees should be inspected at least once per year to assess tree health and vigor. Our arborists examine leaf size, twig growth, reaction wood growth, and crown dieback to determine the health of your tree.
Reduction of normal growth is a fairly reliable clue that the tree’s health has recently changed. Our experienced arborists can survey twig growth from past years to determine whether there is a reduction in the tree’s growth pattern.
Loose bark, deformed growths, and conks (mushrooms) are common signs of stem decay and should be inspected further to identify the extent of the decay.
Any abnormalities found during tree health evaluations; such as insect activity and spotted, deformed, discolored, or dead leaves and twigs, should be noted and monitored closely. As part of a tree health evaluation, we will create a plan detailing tree care practices to maintain and increase the health of your tree.
Contact us to schedule a tree health evaluation with a certified arborist.